Cheshire Kitcar Show 2001
Capesthorne Hall, Macclesfield, Cheshire
20th May 2001
A personal account by Duncan Hurst
Several members of the DROC attended the Cheshire
Kitcar show at Capesthorne
Hall, Macclesfield on Sunday 20th May 2001.
John, Steve & Graham had already crossed the Pennines when I
arrived, after picking up my friend Rob, at midday. Rick Clapham turned up shortly
afterwards from Stockport. The Cheshire show is a very small, informal and friendly affair
run by the Rochdale Owners Club. There were only a couple of manufacturers present
and only half a dozen accessory stalls.
As well as displays of assorted American cars there
was a sizeable collection (a bloat?) of Honda Goldwing motorbikes, many with trailers and
hundredweights of chrome. Although to call "motorbike" anything with four
wheels, ten times the luggage capacity of a Dax, less power, speed & handling
and a CD autochanger is stretching credulity a bit!
There were several hundred kitcars, which were the main attraction. We saw everything
from a clapped-out shed of a Rochdale, via many Se7ens of all kinds, to an
immaculate Sherpley Speed Six which was indistinguishable from a 1930s blower
Highlight of the day was when our own John Cellier (Yorks &
Humberside DROC Sec.) won Best Car In Show for his blue Dax Rush V8 Quadra. A
well-deserved but completely unexpected win. Well done John! Peter Filby from Which Kit?
was snapping pictures of everything so expect to see John in next month's (July
2001) issue.
We left Capesthorne Hall in convoy and John and Graham peeled off Northeastwards
towards home. I led Steve (Cosworth Turbo) for a quick blat along the famous A537
Macclesfield->Buxton 'Cat & Fiddle' road. Beloved of bikers, this is one of
the best driving roads in the country, having 90 degree turn after 90 degree turn,
linked with short, fast straights, all hugging the hillsides of the Cheshire moors with
excellent long-range visibility. We stopped for a restorative at the C&F to let the
adrenaline and red mist subside a bit before parting company to make our separate
ways home.
After having a very agreeable pub dinner (The Poacher, Bollington - recommended :) and
dropping Rob home, I finished the day with a blat home over the Peak District hills on
dry, clear roads with a brilliant red sunset in my mirrors. A most excellent driving day
which impressed me again with the Dax's performance.
If you have any pictures or tales of the Cheshire show that you would like to donate to
this page, please email them to
All contributions will be acknowledged.
UPDATE: The following weekend, the same crew attended the
Great Yorkshire Kitcar show at Harrogate, where John once again won "Best Car in
Show". Well done again!
Pictures by Duncan Hurst.