Stoneleigh Kitcar Show 2000
The National Agricultural Showground,
Stoneleigh, Warwickshire
30th April and 1st May 2000

Sunday and Monday, 30th
April and 1st May, the Dax Rush Owners Club parking area was a very busy place.
Terry Roberts, DROC secretary, was
doing a roaring trade in collecting the names and addresses of those interested in further
Set up on a slightly soggy patch of
grass, surrounded by dozens of other kitcar marques and hundreds, if not thousands, of
other interesting vehicles, the Dax Rush area saw as many Rushes as have ever been
collected in one place at the same time.
All flavours of Rushes were there, mostly the ubiquitous Cosworth Turbo and Rover V8
variants. The standard of build and presentation was, as ever, extremely high.
If anyone did a headcount (or should that be nosecone count?), please email us, but there were certainly over 20 Rushes
present on the Sunday afternoon alone.
We were again lucky with the weather,
which gave us some bright sunshine and warm temperatures.
If you have any pictures or tales of the Stoneleigh show that you would like to donate
to this page, please email them to
All contributions will be acknowledged.
Pictures by Duncan Hurst and Jimmy.