
Stoneleigh 2001

Stoneleigh Kitcar Show 2001

The National Agricultural Showground, Stoneleigh, Warwickshire
6th and 7th May 2001

Sunday and Monday, 6th and 7th May, the Dax Rush Owners Club parking area was, as usual, a very busy place.

Rushes at StoneleighWe had a record attendance of Rushes - 24 all present at one time on the Monday. Could this be a world record for the number of Rushes in one place at one time?

Show goers admire the RushesThe standard of build and presentation was, as ever, extremely high. Many beautiful examples were on show, attracting a lot of interest from the visitors.

As you can see from the pictures, we were again lucky with the weather, which gave us bright sunshine and warm temperatures and brought the cars and visitors out in droves.Chevy-V8 powered RushCosworth Rush at Stoneleigh

If you have any pictures or tales of the Stoneleigh show that you would like to donate to this page, please email them to post@rushowners.co.uk. All contributions will be acknowledged.

Click here for David Betts' pictures of the show.

Pictures by Duncan Hurst.