Open Day
21st April 2000
Good Friday saw the annual DJ Sportscars Open Day take place in
Harlow. As last year, we were very lucky with the weather, which was bright and sunny with
only one brief shower causing tonneaux and hoods to appear as if by magic!
There were, of course, many Tojeiros present and even a couple of Kamalas.
But it was the Rushes that we were there to see and hear.

The company demonstrators were all in evidence, plus eight or ten other
Rushes, from the mild to the wild. One notable one looked at first glance like it had a
rather large spare-wheel cover on the back. This turned out to be a hollow load-space for
carrying the driver's collapsed wheelchair! This is the only Rush I know of fitted with
hand controls and shows that there really is no reason not to enjoy one!

The new Hayabusa motorbike-engined round-tube chassis Rush was on show in
the workshop. This is no doubt to be launched at the Stoneleigh show next week and looks
very smart in silver powder-coating with red suspension. The elegant 'birdcage' chassis is
De Dion at the rear, but features the new camber-compensation system at the front for the
first time in public.
Also in the workshop was a rather frightening small-block
Chevy-powered Rush under construction, with a multiple point nitrous-injection system.
Should move!
You can see more pictures of the Open Day here.
If you have any pictures of the Open Day that you would like to donate to this page,
please email them to
All contributions will be acknowledged.
Thanks to David Betts for some of the above pictures.
Go on to Stoneleigh 2000 ...