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Dax Open Day

29th March 2002

openday1.jpg (175120 bytes)openday2.jpg (155724 bytes)Another Good Friday and another annual DJ Sportscars Open Day. Once more we had fantastic sunshine.

A record turnout of Rushes and Tojeiros were there, all lined up as usual and overflowing round the corner and over the road.

turbobusa.jpg (126544 bytes)unionjack.jpg (94225 bytes)The newly-registered Turbobusa Rush demonstrator was sporting its new livery of stickers, including a simply huge Union Jack on the rear panel!

ultralite.jpg (131361 bytes)rushmc.jpg (108981 bytes)On display in the factory was the new ultra-light Rush MC chassis.

A couple of motorbike-engined Rushes were in mid-build.reverse.jpg (102342 bytes)

markf.jpg (134880 bytes)paulb.jpg (155041 bytes)Rush owners Mark Fitzsimmons (left) and Paul Buckley (right) kindly posed for a picture.

If you have any pictures of the Open Day that you would like to donate to this page, please email them to webmaster@rushowners.co.uk. All contributions will be acknowledged.

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